Discover the Ultimate Wellness Experience
Why attend a wellness retreat that is already preplanned with the same old boring wellness retreat activities when they have no idea the specific needs of you or your group?
At Essential Wellness 360, we understand that in today’s fast-paced world, it's essential to take time for self-care and rejuvenation. Our curated wellness retreats offer a perfect escape, providing a blend of relaxation and revitalization tailored to meet diverse needs. Whether you're an individual seeking personal renewal or a corporation looking to enhance employee well-being, our retreats promise a transformative experience. Immerse yourself in serene environments, enjoy expert-guided activities, and return feeling refreshed and reenergized.
Allow us to CO-CREATE a wellness experience that meets the specific needs of you or your small group. Having issues recognizing burn out? Connect with us! Busy adulting and struggling to reconnect with self? Connect with us!

Enhanced Well-being and Productive Thinking
Our curated wellness retreats provide the opportunity to de-stress, recharge, and focus on mental and physical health. This leads to increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and overall better performance, benefiting both individuals and organizations alike.
Enhanced Collaboration and Communication
Our curated wellness retreats include activities designed to improve communication, trust, and teamwork. By strengthening these bonds, participants can foster a more cohesive and collaborative environment, leading to enhanced efficiency and innovation for individuals and organizations alike.
Overall Renewed Satisfaction in Self
Offering curated wellness retreats demonstrates a commitment to well-being, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty. This approach can reduce turnover rates and attract top talent seeking organizations that prioritize health and happiness.
Why Choose Essential Wellness 360?
Our retreats are more than just a getaway; they are a transformative experience designed to foster lasting change. By integrating our diverse range of wellness services, we create a customized retreat that addresses the unique needs of yourself and or team. Whether you seek to reduce stress, boost clarity, enhance productivity, or foster team cohesion, Essential Wellness 360 provides the tools and environment to achieve your goals.
Our Comprehensive Services Include

IV Hydration
Boost energy levels and enhance overall well-being with our tailored IV hydration treatments.

Experience deep relaxation and stress relief through our expert-led Reiki sessions.

Sound Bowl Baths
Immerse in soothing sound waves that promote healing and tranquility.

Guided Meditation
Develop mindfulness and clarity with our guided meditation practices.

Kundalini Yoga
Unlock your inner potential and elevate consciousness with Kundalini yoga.

Mental Health Counseling
Support mental well-being with professional counseling services.

Art Therapy
Explore creativity and emotional expression through therapeutic art sessions.

Affirmation Meditation
Foster positive thinking and self-empowerment with affirmation meditation.

Enhance physical and mental health with various yoga styles tailored to your needs.

Relieve stress and improve circulation with therapeutic reflexology.

Executive Coaching
Elevate leadership skills and personal growth with executive coaching.

Working Nature Trail Walks
Combine business with pleasure on our invigorating nature trail walks.

Healthy Cooking Classes
Learn to prepare nutritious meals that support a healthy lifestyle.

Workshops & Guest Speakers
Gain insights and inspiration from industry experts and thought leaders.

Mindfulness Training
Designed to help individuals and teams cultivate present-moment awareness.